Loïc Touzé

the beginnings


From 1989 to 1999 I created a dozen pieces and projects.
Most of them were co-created, notably with Bernadette Doneux for the very first creation, and then with Fabiene Compet. During this period I also worked with the composer Kasper T. Tœplitz. During the second part of this period, between 1996 and 1999 I created three projects with the visual artist Francisco Ruiz de Infante. My encounter with Ruiz de Infante was decisive in what was to become my personal work as a choreographer, beginning in 2000.
In these beginnings I experimented my first hypotheses in composition, I learned to direct an artistic team, I worked in the studio, on stage, in art centres, in industrial wastelands, in circus tents and public spaces.
I consider all of the creations of this period as choreographic studies.

1999 – S'IL Y A LIEU / AS THE CASE MAY BE in collaboration with Francisco Ruiz de Infante, created at the Ferme du Buisson – Scène Nationale de Marne la Vallée
1998 – UNE DANSE AVEC COOKIE / A DANCE WITH COOKIE - Duo with Henri-Bertrand Lesguillier, created at the Ferme du Buisson - Scène Nationale de Marne la Vallée
1997 - UN BLOC / ONE BLOCK in collaboration with Francisco Ruiz de Infante, created at the Contemporary Art Centre of the Ferme du Buisson, Noisiel
1997 - SOUVENT DANS LA FORÊT... / OFTEN IN THE FOREST... - created with the French Institute of Bilbao in Consonni (Spain)
1996 - SI NOUS MARCHONS CALMEMENT... / IF WE WALK CALMLY... in collaboration with Kasper T. Tœplitz, created at the Ferme du Buisson - Scène Nationale de Marne la Vallée
1995 - DANS LES ALLÉES, LES ALLÉES... / ON THE PATH, THE PATH... - created at the Scène Nationale de Narbonne
1994 - FRAGMENT DE PARADIS / FRAGMENT OF PARADISE in collaboration with Fabienne Compet, created at the Scène Nationale de Tulle
1993 - LA CONFESSION DES LÂCHETÉS / THE CONFESSION OF COWARDICE - created at the Théâtre de la Cité internationale
1992 - A VAU L’EAU / DOWN THE DRAIN co-created with Fabienne Compet- created at the Festival International des Danses du Monde de Confolen Haute Vienne
1992 - FARCE / FARCE- created at the Centre culturel de Terrassons la Villedieu / Dordogne
1989 - LA CHAMBRE AUX TOURNESOLS / THE SUNFLOWER ROOM in collaboration with Bernadette Doneux - created at the Théâtre de la Bastille – Paris